The Pendants

 Dear Carpedia,

I know you have the other pendant. I’m not mad, I am just disappointed that someone I thought of as an upstanding leader of the feminist community could do something so shameful. I do hope that you return the pendant soon.

Dr. Daniel J. Grant


He had to be bluffing there was no way he actually knew it was her. He obviously was just trying to pin this on her. To fuck her over. To pin her and fuck her. Wait, where the fuck did that come from? Carpe shook her head. She was obviously still fatigued from the trip. She wasn’t thinking straight. That kind of thought wasn’t like her. At all. She’d sooner go to jail than be raped by a man.

She closed and deleted the email from Dr. Grant. Alt-tabbing to her browser she brought up her Tumblr blog, she’d found that she’d gained another follower. That was the first one in months. She was consistently disappointed by the lack of following she had for her blog. For a 30 year old, tenured college professor, and department head of women’s studies, she barely had any following at all. She had practically nothing compared to all of those disgusting porn blogs she’d reported. How could so many people follow them?!

Carpedia sighed to herself. She was going to work on her next post chronicling her adventure in Egypt, but she just didn’t feel like it right now. Which was weird. Normally, after getting all riled up by an email, like the one she’d just got from Dr. Grant, she’d channel it into a blog post. Those posts were always her most successful. But, right now, she just felt tired and… disappointed?

How could she feel disappointed in herself? She was a woman! Her gender was the singular reason for the continued existence of the human race. That was true wasn’t it? She scrolled through her blog and found the post she had written about it. She read through it a few times. It wasn’t helping her mood. She opened another tab in her browser and did a search for “uplifting things.”


Carpedia woke up the next morning in a daze. Her dream last night had been so weird. She had been wearing some ungodly dress, had an amazing bod, and was out on a dinner date with a man that looked like a much younger Dr. Grant… Only he hadn’t been a doctor. He was some kind of… entrepenuer? Why did her head hurt thinking about it all?? Whatever. She needed to get out of bed and to the gym, the sun was already out, meaning she was late.

Carpe spent a good two hours at the gym, like normal. She may be 27 and had wasted her prime years but that didn’t mean she was going to waste anymore! She had started working out as a way to give herself some confidence in herself. She had seen what was becoming of some of her fellow die-hard feminist friends. They had become so caught up in the movement, they were virtually always angry about something. Once she realized this she was determined not to let that happen to her. She was still a feminist of course. Hell, she was going to a woman’s rights protest this afternoon. But it wasn’t what defined her.

Sure she hadn’t had much luck with men in her time, and it would be easy for her to write them all off as pigs for not being attracted to her. But she just couldn’t rationally justify that like her friends could. She hadn’t been taking care of herself like the men she had been crushing on had. Carpedia had been overweight and angry. Carpe, on the other hand, was going to seize the opportunity that had always been available to her. She was going to transform herself into the ideal feminist. A woman who loved and respected herself, but also acknowledged that feminism wasn’t the only thing in the world.
She had to hurry up though, otherwise she was going to be late for her graduate studies class! She was almost done with her thesis and she needed to pass this class! Before she left, Carpe stood with her back to a wall of mirrors in the gym, held up her iPhone in front of her, and took a selfie for her blog.


Carpe got out of class to find her phone buzzing like crazy. Her advisor had implored her to leave it in her dorm room so she could focus in class. Her She was 25 and this was her last year to really get her bachelors. She’d been an undergraduate for 6 years, and now had come in with so much promise. She had a full rides worth of scholarships and was going to kick ass and take names.
Soon though she had found herself caught up in the “extra-curricular” parts of college. The fun parts. Carpe had spent so much of her time in high school studying that she hadn’t really gotten a chance to make friends outside of all the study partners she had. She had been determined to balance her life out once she got to college. To say the least, she had gone to far. She had joined and became super involved in a sorority, and had gone to every party imaginable.

As she had done so, her social media following had ballooned. She always felt like she had to keep up with the rest of her friends and idols on Instagram. Whether that be by doing whatever the latest trend was or by going to the gym for three hours everyday. To say the least it had not helped her grades. She had seemingly failed a class every semester.

It wasn’t that she was dumb, per-se. Just that she was unfocused and obsessed with things other than classes. As Carpe set her class materials down she scrolled through all the notifications on her phone. They were going crazy about Jessica Weaver’s new tits. She started to furiously type out replies to all the notifications. “OH. EM. GEE!….”


Carpi couldn’t believe it had happened! Again! She was, like, so totally lucky! Her man had not only saved her from college all those years ago, but had also admitted he loved her obsession with plastic surgery. She could never understand all the other girls obhor.. ob… like, not liking it! it made girls so pretty and got all the men’s attention! She had always been totally sad that she couldn’t afford implants like all the other hot insta-models she loved! She was so lucky to have had the perfect man find her when he did!

She stared at herself in the full length mirror. She had just gotten back from her last check up for her most recent breast augmen… titjob! Carpi groped her tits with both hands and giggled. They projected off her chest, no sag whatsoever. They were totes perfect! Over 1500 CC’s of silicone stuffed into her chest and she, like, couldn’t be happier!

The dress she was wearing showed them off perfectly. It was skin tight, pink, and would have been a classy gown to wear to a charity event had it not been so short that when she bent over you could clearly see the thong she was wearing. If she was wearing one. It had a boob window the size of Texas, in the shape of a heart that went so far down as to show some underboob to go along with all of the cleavage. The dresses’ only saving grace was that it had a turtleneck. But even that had been sluttified. She had bejeweled it to read “Fucctoy.” Daniel told her every time she wore it that she had misspelled it. Every time she just giggled and said “Like, girls don’t need to spell when they are as hot as me!” Followed promptly by a quick hard cum from being bent over and fucked and then taken out to dinner.


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